
The Cryptid Manual - An Unusual Creatures RPG Monster Manual

Created by Eric Bloat

Fully detailed with art, description and stats, for 5e, DCC RPG, Old-School Essentials, and SURVIVE THIS!! rule systems.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys sent via Backerkit - New Kickstarter
7 months ago – Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 10:57:42 AM


We passed the smoke test for backerkit!  Now, I have sent all the rest of the surveys.  I'm told sometimes there is a delay when they go out, so just be on the lookout for them in your inbox, spam, etc.  

If you don't receive the survey right away, don't worry.  I'll post a link next week to recover your survey for those that may have not got theres.  :)

While I have you, Bloat Games has a new Kickstarter going that is on the edge of funding, and even has a few of the Early Bird specials available, too!  If you'd like to check that out, click the link below:



Backerkit Smoke Test Survey + New Kickstarter
7 months ago – Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 06:29:39 AM


I have sent the Smoke Test survey via Backerkit.  It went out to 19 of you fine folks.  If everything goes well, as expected, I'll send the full survey Wednesday to everyone else and will post another quick update letting you know that it has been sent.  I'll also do a project update to let you know how things are coming along.  (spoiler alert:  It's going really well!)

We Die Young - Supernatural Retro Roleplaying in the 1990s

For Old-School Essentials and SURVIVE THIS!! Ultimate Edition launches tomorrow!  We have some highly discounted Early Bird Specials.  Sign up today for notifications and be the first to know when the project goes live!

WE DIE YOUNG - Supernatural Retro Roleplaying in the 1990s by Eric Bloat — Kickstarter



Funds have arrived!! - New Kickstarter coming soon :)
7 months ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 01:05:13 PM


Just a quick message that funds have arrived!  Jeff, our layout artist, is putting the finishing touches on the first version of The Cryptid Manual (CM II: for OSE). As soon as we have that version back, we'll take a month and give it our final review.  Meanwhile, Jeff is diving right into the next one (CM 2: for SURVIVE THIS!! 6x9).  :)



A spiritual sequel to Bloat Game’s 1980s-based RPG, DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS, WE DIE YOUNG is set in Seattle in the 1990s during the grunge and alternative music counter-culture movements. Seattle became the epicenter of popular culture and began attracting musicians, artists, and supernatural creatures from all over. This game is heavily inspired by the music of Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, and many more.

In WE DIE YOUNG, you play as 20-something humans, Vampires, Werebeasts, Mummies, Fey and Fairies, and multiple other types of supernatural creatures and character classes. Each creature and character class has its unique history and abilities.

Sign up for notifications at the link below! You don't want to miss the Early Bird Specials on this Kickstarter.

WE DIE YOUNG - Supernatural Retro Roleplaying in the 1990s by Eric Bloat — Kickstarter



BackerKit Pre-Order Store now open!
7 months ago – Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 11:55:20 AM


Quick update:  I've decided to use BackerKit as part of this campaign.  As such I have set up the BackerKit Pre-Order Store for those who missed the campaign.  They can access it here:

Note:  A survey will be coming via Backerkit within a month or so.  At that time, if you'd like, you will also have the option to add and add-ons you missed during the campaign.  

The pre-order store is for anyone who missed the campaign.  

Have a great day!


8 months ago – Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 06:28:45 PM


Thank you so much for backing our Kickstarter!!  Thanks to your generous support we raised almost $15k!!  This means these new versions of The Cryptid Manual will now be a reality!  We literally couldn't do it without your support.

Where the project stands

  • Writing 100%
  • Editing 100%
  • Art 100%
  • Layout 5%  

Layout literally began in earnest this morning.  Jeff Jones, who did layout for the Cryptid Manual for Old-School Essentials, will be handling all the layout for each version of this project.  

What's happening now

Now, we take a tiny breather as we wait for funds to be collected and clear.  This usually takes about 14 days.  As soon as we receive the funds, we'll post another update and let you know that has occurred, and we'll also send out surveys at that time.

How We Funded

We always strive for transparency and think knowledge is king, so here are some Kickstarter numbers that you may not always see:

Eric's Take Away

This was another very successful Kickstarter for Bloat Games.  It is easily in the Top 10 of our most highly financially backed projects.  

The reception for this project has been really good.  I think it has a lot to do with the success of the original Cryptid Manual for SURVIVE THIS!!, and Old-School Essentials.  Those projects always have been fan favorites in the BG catalog.  

I think this campaign, even as successful as it is, could've been even bigger.  We had A LOT more PDF backers than physical backers.  Of course, this campaign was going head to head with ZineQuest and several other large ttRPG crowdfunding campaigns, so backers funds were probably spread thin, which I'm sure is a contributing factor, too. Still, an awesome campaign, either way! 


  • OSE 62
  • DCC 51
  • 5e 50

*PDF Only Total Backers:  144

So again, I say THANK YOU!!  You folks rock!  

I'll post another update as soon as funds arrive.

